What is the Formula Drive?

Children with CHD often cannot tolerate simple breastmilk or basic formula due to high caloric needs and low blood flow going to the stomach causing slow digestion. Many are required to use highly specialized and incredibly expensive formula as a result.

In a recent poll, 72% of CHD families experience denials from insurance covering this formula costing families up to $600 per month. Of those experiencing denials, 75% report this out of pocket expense being a significant financial barrier. 

The Formula Drive aims to help provide FREE formula to families whose formula is not covered by insurance.

“We had to use a specialty formula for my twin girls. Atleast it made diapers and wipes seem cheap!”

“The only formula he could tolerate was an expensive formula we would have to pay for out of pocket. Its expensive, but its the only one my baby can handle.”

“Tracking down special formulas and insurance coverage was difficult.”