Stories of Hope Legacy Redemption
Read about stories of heart warriors living with CHD through corrective open heart surgeries.
Read about stories of heart warriors who have received a heart transplant, and a second chance at life.
Read about stories of heart warriors who have passed away from CHD, but whose legacy lives on through the impact they made on Earth.
Shirts on a Mission.
What if I told you that CHD is the most common birth defect in the US, and also the #1 killer of infants with a birth defect, yet proportionally the least supported and underfunded disease groups based on prevalence when compared to other disease groups?
Here are HWM, we think that lack of awareness is a problem. The only way we see being able to solve this is by getting the stories of those battling CHD outside of the four walls of the ICU and into the hearts of society around us.
We believe this Storybook Campaign is one easy way to accomplish this. Here is how it works.
Step 1: BUY your sweatshirt
3 Different Sweatshirts, 3 Different Stories
The HOPE sweatshirt captures stories of those living with CHD survived by corrective open heart surgeries
The REDEEMED sweatshirt captures stories of those who have received heart transplants, and a second chance at life.
The LEGACY sweatshirt captures stories of angels who have lost their lives to CHD, but who’s legacy still lives on through the impact their life gave while here on Earth.

Step 2: SCAN your sweatshirt

The QR Codes on the back of each sweatshirt take scanners to this page, where they can read stories about heart warriors young and old who have battled CHD through three different Storybooks.
Step 3: SHARE the stories
Share your knowledge about CHD, its impact on your life through the stories that fill this book, and the need for awareness to be spread.

Have a Heart Warrior Story You’d Like to Share?
Want to add your story into the Storybook? Click the link below to submit your story!
Wanna know the best part? If you created an organization in memorial or honor of your child who battled CHD, we encourage you to add a link directing readers to your website to learn more about how they can support you better.