The Pulse Issue #2 - 6 Months of Impact
Can you believe its nearly 6 months ago that Brynne and I decided to officially launch Heart Warrior Ministries?
Everyday we are humbled at how the Lord has blessed this organization through the many donors, volunteers, and supporters who contribute to the impact we illustrate below.
In just 6-months, HWM has been able to witness:
68 families served through our various support programs
24 active volunteers contributing hours of work a week
13 CHD dads connected throughout the US to share and support other dads walking similar paths
50 NG/G-Tube supplies donated to CHD families
$1,400 in cost savings for CHD families from specialty formula donations
$2,800 donated to CHD families living in the ICU paying for food and parking while their child recovers from open heart surgery or awaits a heart transplant.
WOW thats a lot of impact! And we simply could not do it without the many hands that never cease working towards the goal of better supporting families in thier battle with CHD.
I simply cannot wait to see what the next 6-months hold for this ministry, and how God will continue to use this organization to serve others in this community!
Sam Bish
Executive Director, HWM