The Pulse - Issue #1 June 2024
Sam, Brynne & Heart Warrior Cillian Bish
When Brynne and I felt called to start Heart Warrior Ministries to support families with a child experiencing Congestive Heart Failure, it couldn't have come at a worse time.
Nothing was stable, assured, constant in our lives. We had JUST gotten out of the hospital living the worst year of our lives. Cillian was still having complications, and we had just moved to Maryland.
To anyone on the outside, we looked crazy. But to God, this was the perfect time to fulfill what He had planned for us all along.
Since launch we have gotten nothing but confirmation that this is exactly how He wants us to use our testimony.
Within one day of launch, we had out first family reach out sharing their difficulty in financially supporting their child’s formula needs, which was averaging them $800 in out-of-pocket expenses per month. We looked at our bank account - a measly $400.
So we asked the Lord, “Lord, if this be Your will, provide the needed funds.” Within 24 hours we had not just the amount we needed, but $20 extra.
““Lord, if this be Your will, provide the needed funds.”
For every need, every family that has reached out, it’s been that way: the Lord supplying our every need. Its been quite incredible to witness, and has affirmed that this is His plan for us in our lives.
We want to thank YOU for donating, supporting, and praying over the mission of this ministry.
Your support has allowed us to launch THREE initiatives:
1) Formula Drive: Through our Robin’s Nest outreach, we’ve begun providing CHD families with free formula for children with Congenital Heart Defects when the formula they need is not covered by insurance.
2) The Oasis: This is a group for dads of kids with Congenital Heart Defects to connect and support each other
3) The Prayer Warrior Group: This is a team of people dedicated to praying for our Congenital Heart Defect Warriors battling their condition.
We simply could not do the work the Lord has planned for us without your help. :)
God is good, all the time -
Sam Bish
Sam Bish
Executive Director, Heart Warrior Ministires