Cillian’s Story of Hope
Sam and Brynne’s firstborn son, Cillian, was diagnosed with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and was born with only half of a heart. Upon his birth, they navigated what the heart community calls the “year from hell” as Cillian fought for a chance to survive.
After his second major heart surgery, Cillian had a major cardiac arrest. His heart stopped beating for 31 minutes. He lost a lot of oxygen to his brain and was put on life support. He suffered through countless seizures followed by a medically induced coma, and they started losing hope.
“It felt like the world was spinning beneath our feet and we were standing still.”
They lived in the hospital for nine long, agonizing months before finally going home.
By leaning into her faith in her time of suffering, Brynne was inspired to publish their story and use the proceeds from the book to begin Heart Warrior Ministries.
Sam and Brynne are passionate about helping children, couples, and families navigate some of the hardest life experiences brought about by Congenital Heart Disease.